Friday, July 9, 2010

Little Miss Indecisive....

decisions, decisions, decisions.
WHY are there so many of them???
I know that there are so many times that you really need to think about what you're getting yourself into, and you have to carefully analyze consequences..pros and cons, i don't even KNOW what else to say. just alllll that jazz.
I'd say that a good time to be really indecisive,...would be when you're picking out colleges, and which boys to crush is it a blonde today? or is it the typical brunette, orrr which jobs to apply for, and so onn.
however...when you're at BP and you MEANT to run in for a split second and grab a snack, but actually that split second turns into 2 minutes...and soon enough you're pacing around the store for 15 minutes trying to decide between white cheddar popcorn and a twix bar, OR...a milky way and vitamin water....or you know, you could always get allllll of them! But of course you knly have $5......but did you wnat to spend it all in the first place!! you knly planned on spending $2 max! But now that you've spent 15..maybe 20 minutes in the store--you're exhausted! Maybe you really do want to go all out and get that vitamin water, as well as the popcorn and twix. but'll have to go running when you get home. WHY does all this food turn into calories?!
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!! I mean really---in the eternal perspective, you're not going to remember what snack you bought, but at this point in time, you--alright I should say "I". This actually happened to me. I know--it's hard to believe that I'd be blogging about a personal experience--but I kid you not. After my AP Psych test THIS year, this exact dilemma happened to me. I know--MOST traumatic thing ever.
If you're interested though, I only ended up getting the white cheddar popcorn and Twix bar. But this was after the asian guy at the counter was making funny faces at me the whole time. I walked near the cashier like 5 different times, but then quickly turned away...exchanging my snack for something...healthier? Yeah, I'll just say that.

But I mean..SERIOUSLY?!?!

Why do I obsess over things like thiss?? I think this should be a disease. I have such a tortured brain sometimes--I don't even understand how I get up in the mornings! I usually toss and turn and debate with myself to wake up later then when I actually did. Waking up at 9:24 is certainly not acceptable! I have to wait until 9:30. but then i sleep in too late...and wake up at 9:32......but then I just sleep in until 10 because I'm just so dang lazy to get up anyways.
Okay I guess that's not me being indecisive...that's just me being seriously disturbed...and OCD.

I think I need to realllllllly start just DOING things--rather than analyzing everything so fully! I think that's why I'm such an adventure-starved gal. I never want to go out and do stuff totally crazy or rebellious--because I know the consequences so well. Maybe that's just a really good thing...but maybe its just being a wuss..a big ol' wussie!!
ugh. THAT's sure attractive. I can't even order a different sub at Subway--I'm so afraid I won't like it. I's a dang sandwich. It's not going to kill me. Unfortunately I take everything too seriously, and I don't live on the edge enough.

NOT FOR LONG!! I hereby vow to try and do new things. And maybe even spend less time at BP when I'm picking out a snack. I mean I love them all--so if I get something I like, it won't be bad, right? I guess I always just want the BEST. but maybe that's too much to expect from a candy bar. That can't grant me happiness after all....and its silly to think that my life will change over tiny little things, like food, and what movie to watch, and what clothes to wear. I'm not going to die because of it....hopefully. :)
I like to think that I grant my own happiness--and I do.

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh Julia! :)
    I'm surprised I'm the first one to comment since you've already gotten so many nice little comments on facebook- but either way I'm first!

    So I'm afraid a lot of the things you type I'm going to end up saying I'm the same way! I used to be more like this, maybe you'll grow out of it more like I did. I think once I got married I realized I HAD to start making decisions. My hardest decision every single day is what to make for dinner- it's tough I tell ya- seriously. And I also still always get the same ham sandwich from subway, haha.
    So maybe it doesnt ever completely go away, but it'll get better and it makes you you :)
